
Contact us


Our highly trained Personnel utilizing the latest in computer technology and years of know-how AWT will Guide you through the steps of finding the most suitable, and cost effective design to suit your needs and budget. AWT have many designs to choose from and we can customize your plan to suit your lifestyle and your needs. Bring your ideas and design concepts to us and we can turn them into reality. AWT have an in house design team who can design your project in line with your budget expectations.



Australia Wide Transportable is a leading builder of portable modular home, offices, in Western Australia. AWT outstanding construction quality, range of portable modular and customer service sets AWT apart. Build with peace of mind with Western Australia leading builder.



With an unrivaled reputation to deliver on time and within your budget Australia Wide Transportables, will work with you in arranging onsite installation, or delivery of your modular unit.
AWT has consistently proven it can deliver what it promises.